Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Spirit

Acts 2: 1-12 - ". . . . .the Holy Spirit spread through their ranks, and they started speaking in a number of different languages as the Spirit prompted them...." MSG

What is Spirituality? It is the experience of God's presence. Attitudes or activities that open a person to experience God presence are spiritual practices.

The most common practice are: prayer, meditation, reading the Bible and attending church.

I feel God's presence when I am sitting by our swimming pool watching the leaves move gently as the wind blows around me; or watching a sunset as the sky turns from blue to red, orange and purple. Sometimes as I do handicrafts or paint landscapes I feel God's presence. anything that allows me to be still or focus my attention on the Holy One is a spiritual practice. Even everyday activities of housecleaning, work, etc., can be a spiritual practice.

My problem is letting business take my focus off of God and I don't think about Him being by my side. The gift of the Holy Spirit keeps us close to God even when we forget and loose our focus.

When the Holy Spirit made its entrance at Pentecost, it was loud, and extravagant. Today the Holy Spirit may crash into our lives or visit in a more muted way. Irregardless it shows us with wind and power just how close God keeps us. God does not neglect us even when we loose our focus. God's gift of the Spirit is giving and forgiving. This is great news as I often loose my focus, even though I am dedicated in seeking the spirit.

I am so grateful that God always keeps his promises and that nothing can separate me from God's love.

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