Sunday, September 26, 2010

Checking the Fence

1 Timothy 3: 16 - "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living."

I read a devotional Titled Checking the Fence. It reminded me of the time we lived at Smithville, Oklahoma, during the sixties. Smithville is in McCurtain County. Ed, my husband was a forester and was gone a lot fighting fires. A range war was going on between the ranchers and farmers over open range. Not sure which side, but the feud brought out the worst in people and they set fire after fire. Some times Ed, his crew and the State Foresters were gone hours, days, and weeks trying to get the fires under control. The only touch I had with the outside world was the short wave radios that let me know where they were and if they were safe.

Like cattle we have the tendency to roam seeking greener pastures. Cattle, like children, need boundaries.

God's word is like a fence. The Bible tells us how to set boundaries in our life to keep us from the dangers of sinful actions and bad decisions. Like ranchers we need to check our fence daily. God's word offers answers for daily living, but like ranchers we need to check our fences. Like cattle there are days we don't want to hear from God's word because we are leaning on the wire, trying to go our own way. Daily Bible reading keeps our spiritual fence repaired and we can remain in God's safe pasture. Daily bible reading helps keep us where God wants us.

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