Tuesday, September 28, 2010

God Never Lets Go

Isaiah 41:10 - "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand"

One Sunday I woke up and everything seemed so complicated. So much drama everywhere. I wrote in my journal: There needs to be more love and forgiveness. I was having feelings of being overwhelmed. I ask God to let me feel his presence, to help me keep my focus. When ever I feel God's presence, I get cold chills and this lets me know He is near.

I decided to attend the Xperience service at our church with my husband and granddaughter. I normally attend the Traditional service because I sing in the choir.

As I sat down waiting for the service to begin, I sat wondering, thinking about all the giants I was facing. The music began and I started to focus on my surroundings. The song You Never Let Go was being played by the band. As I sang watching the words on the big screen, I got cold chills, I was so touched, tears came to my eyes and I knew God was speaking to me. I felt a warmth come over me. I knew it was God's loving arms holding me tight. By the time the service was over I was so filled with God's love, and assurance that no matter what, I knew He would never forsake me, never let go. I can count on Him to always be near.

Peace and joy doesn't mean that we won't have giants in our daily lives, it means that God is always near, never lets go and nothing we face will snatch us from God.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Checking the Fence

1 Timothy 3: 16 - "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living."

I read a devotional Titled Checking the Fence. It reminded me of the time we lived at Smithville, Oklahoma, during the sixties. Smithville is in McCurtain County. Ed, my husband was a forester and was gone a lot fighting fires. A range war was going on between the ranchers and farmers over open range. Not sure which side, but the feud brought out the worst in people and they set fire after fire. Some times Ed, his crew and the State Foresters were gone hours, days, and weeks trying to get the fires under control. The only touch I had with the outside world was the short wave radios that let me know where they were and if they were safe.

Like cattle we have the tendency to roam seeking greener pastures. Cattle, like children, need boundaries.

God's word is like a fence. The Bible tells us how to set boundaries in our life to keep us from the dangers of sinful actions and bad decisions. Like ranchers we need to check our fence daily. God's word offers answers for daily living, but like ranchers we need to check our fences. Like cattle there are days we don't want to hear from God's word because we are leaning on the wire, trying to go our own way. Daily Bible reading keeps our spiritual fence repaired and we can remain in God's safe pasture. Daily bible reading helps keep us where God wants us.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Spirit

Acts 2: 1-12 - ". . . . .the Holy Spirit spread through their ranks, and they started speaking in a number of different languages as the Spirit prompted them...." MSG

What is Spirituality? It is the experience of God's presence. Attitudes or activities that open a person to experience God presence are spiritual practices.

The most common practice are: prayer, meditation, reading the Bible and attending church.

I feel God's presence when I am sitting by our swimming pool watching the leaves move gently as the wind blows around me; or watching a sunset as the sky turns from blue to red, orange and purple. Sometimes as I do handicrafts or paint landscapes I feel God's presence. anything that allows me to be still or focus my attention on the Holy One is a spiritual practice. Even everyday activities of housecleaning, work, etc., can be a spiritual practice.

My problem is letting business take my focus off of God and I don't think about Him being by my side. The gift of the Holy Spirit keeps us close to God even when we forget and loose our focus.

When the Holy Spirit made its entrance at Pentecost, it was loud, and extravagant. Today the Holy Spirit may crash into our lives or visit in a more muted way. Irregardless it shows us with wind and power just how close God keeps us. God does not neglect us even when we loose our focus. God's gift of the Spirit is giving and forgiving. This is great news as I often loose my focus, even though I am dedicated in seeking the spirit.

I am so grateful that God always keeps his promises and that nothing can separate me from God's love.

Monday, September 13, 2010


1 Peter 2:5 - "You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."

Have you walked or driven by houses that are empty and run down? Some of these houses were beautiful when they were occupied, but now they seem beyond repair and restoration. No one wants to restore them.

Some people appear that way. They came into the world created by God to be whole. Then circumstances: such as hurt, both emotional and physical cause them to shut down. They shut down their feelings to avoid more hurt. Their spirits are broken and destroyed. Can they be restored? Can their spirits ever be healed?

Jesus can heal wounded spirits and repair our damaged lives. To restore a house may be to costly, but the high price of restoration of our lives was paid in full by Jesus our LORD and Savior. Jesus the Master Carpenter whose work is always of highest quality can and will restore our spirits.

If you haven't watched the movie Joshua it speaks to this devotional. I recommend it for your viewing.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


2 Timothy 4:2 - "Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with great patience and instruction."

A devotional I read in the Upper Room talked about saving seeds. This brought back a memory of my parents who gardened each year. They harvested enough for all of us, and had plenty left over to share with friends and neighbors. We depended on the garden to provide our vegetables for our food supply as we were very poor and bought very little at the stores. They were careful to save the seeds for future gardens.

We are all called to save the seeds of our faith and plant the good news of God's love. It is our responsibility to plant seeds of faith in the world so others may be saved. As others throughout the generations have passed the gift of faith to us, it is now our turn to plant and nurture the seeds of faith through out the world.