Wednesday, March 24, 2021


God gave me the word PEACE for 2021.   Okay so what am I to learn and how am I suppose to use what I learn.   Today I am studying the amazing peace of Jesus.   My scripture reading is John 14:27, John 16:33, and Psalm 29:11.   Peace is one of the most sought after wisdoms of life.  Did you know that there are over 50,000 books on Amazon about peace.   In this broken world many our reacting for that straw to hang on to so they can keep afloat.   Without peace there is no happiness.  So how do we find peace in all this chaos?   The peace that Jesus gives is different from the peace that this world offers.  If we search for peace elsewhere we will not find it.   Jesus left us his peace:  the peace that allows him to stand still in the strongest storms of life, a peace that allows him to forgive us.  The Bible provides us with five secrets to peace.  

P - Pray about everything: forgiveness, things that worry you, guidance, your joys, be grateful and our Father’s peace will guard our hearts and minds. 

E - Entertain beauty.  Look for the good around you and you will discover our Father’s handiwork.   Think about things that are true, honorable and just.  Then you will discover our Father’s peace is with you. 

A - Accept Our Father’s gift of peace.  One reason you may have trouble finding peace is because you are looking in the wrong pace. True peace is not hard to find.  All you have to do is accept it.  

C - conquer your fear.  We have fear when we feel weak when we don’t have the presence of our Father. He is with us always spiritually.  All we have to do is love him and keep his word. 

E - Emulate the Saints. Our life’s journey there isn’t 

enough time to learn all the things we need to know and understand.  We have Saints in the Bible and Saints outside of the Bible whose examples we should pattern our lives after.   The Bible says we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. 

P - Pray about everything

E - Entertain beauty

A - Accept God’s gift of peace

C - Conquer your fear

E - Emulate the Saints

Peace be with you. 

Remember God loves you and so do I.