Friday, July 3, 2020

In God We Trust

In God We Trust
What does that mean to you?  Do you really put all your trust in our Father?  
Proverbs 3: 5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”
Today with all the things going on: covid-19, Black Life Matters, ugly gossip, hate, people saying no one is going to tell me what to do, on and on, I wonder have we taken our eyes off of Jesus.  The question you should ask yourself, Am I part of the problem?  Let’s talk about the virus, we want the country to open again, but we are not willing to do our part, make any sacrifice so the virus won’t spread.  A doctor said, “wearing a mask is much better than being put on a ventilator.”  Maybe you feel the virus won’t make you very sick, but what about an elder friend or someone who has a compromised immune deficiency.  You can have the virus and not even run a fever.  Do you really want to  take that change and bring harm to others?  
What about Jesus?  He willingly gave his life for you and me.  Wearing a mask and social distancing isn’t much of a sacrifice compared to Jesus’ sacrifice.  

Now let’s talk about Black Life Matters.  I know many say I am sick and tired of hearing about it.  Again ask yourself the question, Am I part of the problem?  Do you think less of people of color, or people who are different than you are?  In the Bible we are told to look at the heart.  If you look others in the eye you can see their heart.  If you want things to be better it has to start with you and with me.  Racism is a sin.  Hate is the same as murder in the heart.  Oh I know what you are thinking, who do you think you are?  Well I am a Christian, wife of soon to be 58 years, mother of 3, grandmother of 11 and great grandmother of 9.  I am a Stephen Minister, Sunday School Teacher and a servant of our Father.  Am I perfect, No, do I make mistakes, yes.   I rely on God’s Grace of forgiveness and on His word. The Bible is my manual for living right.  Although we have free will, we only have two choices: do what God wants or do what we want.  Our Father is a God of love and our new commandments from Jesus are “you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself”.  So what do you choose, to obey God or do what you want. This isn’t going to go away.  So please rethink your choices.  Don’t be a part of the problem.  Remember what love is and is not, 1Corinthians 13: 4-5.  Care and make a difference.  I am grateful for all of you even if we look different, act different and believe differently.  We are all God’s children.  Max Lucado wrote, “It Is Not About Me.”  If you haven’t read it I encourage you to do so.   Put all your hope Trust and faith in our Father.  Let Him lead you, so you choose what is right.  
Remember God Loves You and so do I!

Friday, April 10, 2020

Who is Afraid of an Empty Tomb

Matthew 27: 57-28:15

Easter Sunday was my turn to teach our Sunday School Class.  Since we are still Stay in Place because of the Covid - 19, I decided to blog the message I would have shared.

How open minded are you?  G. K. Chesterton once said that merely having an open mind is nothing for the object of opening the mind - as of opening the mouth - is to shut it again on something solid.  Whether it is an open mind or an open mouth, you don't want to leave it open, you want to bite down on something substantial.  Therefore I invite you to open your mind this morning, in order to chew on some substantial facts about an empty tomb and Jesus' resurrection.  The truth does matter.   As we look at the truth I challenge you to re-think your view of God and yourself!  There are four truths and I hope you wont be afraid of them!

First Truth: Jesus Was Dead and Buried, and Everyone Knew It.
If Easter Sunday is going to have any real meaning beyond bunnies and colored eggs. then we have to establish one preliminary fact; Jesus of Nazareth was definitely dead when He was taken down from the cross on that Friday afternoon.  How do we know this?  There were four witnesses that can testify to it.- The Romans soldiers who helped crucify Jesus, Governor Pilate because he wouldn't have let anyone take Jesus  off the cross unless he was dead, Joseph Arimathea who placed him in his tomb, and the two ladies who came to the tomb  had witnessed everything.

Second Truth: Powerful People Tried to Make Sure that Jesus Stayed Dead and Buried
Some were concerned that the disciples would steal Jesus body and claim that Jesus rose from the dead.  So Pilate gave permission to make the tomb as secure as possible.  They posted several soldiers to guard the tomb.  Four groups of people wanted Jesus to stay buried: the chief priest, the Pharisees, the Roman governor Pilate and the soldiers on guard.

Third Truth: Jesus Was No Longer Dead and Buried. . . because He had risen from the dead!
Despite all those measures to prevent it, Jesus' tomb is empty, He is alive.  It is tough to keep a good man down. How do we know Jesus is alive?  The women who witnesses everything about Jesus' death and burial.  They are now convinced Jesus  is alive: the large stone is rolled back and the tomb is now empty, an Angel of the Lord who appeared like lightning told them that Jesus had risen, they saw the place where Jesus had been laid and He was gone, Mary meets the Risen Jesus and talks to Him. 

Not only did Jesus resurrection fulfill HIs own prophecies but the Old Testament prophecies about being raised from the dead on the third day.

What is the point of this for us today?

Fourth Truth: Jesus' Resurrection Compels People to Decide Who Jesus is and How They Respond to Him.

What does the Resurrection mean to you?  Does the Resurrection cause you to fear?  The Resurrection changes everything !  Jesus has won victory over death.  God is going about the business of reconciling the world to himself through Christ Jesus.  Imagine the meeting between the women and the disciples, their emotions ranging from disbelief to fear to excitement.  The news changed their entire world.  Joy replaced sadness, and excitement overwhelmed the fear they faced when Jesus was crucified.   

Starting on December 28 2001 until June 25, 2003 I lost 6 family members, beginning with my dad, mom, uncle, aunt, nephew and our son.  What does Jesus' resurrection mean to me: all my love ones are experiencing God's Glory.  They haven't died, but completed their journey and now are with Jesus.   Jesus is alive, He has Risen indeed.  This is a life-altering world-changing news. 

Father of resurrection, fill  my heart with the promise and proof of your Son in my life.  Show me the opportunities I  have to give the gift of Jesus to another today; in Jesus; name, Amen.