You need to make a choice - God's way or your way. You have a vote - either you are for Him or against Him; either you believe Him or you don't; live your life trusting Him or don't believe. Everyone must cast a vote. But it is more than just believing. Even demons believe. They believe and shudder (James 2:19).
Do you need evidence that God exists? Stop and think: Right now you are standing on this giant ball that is spinning at a thousand miles an hour. And while it is spinning, it's flying around the sun at 67,000 miles an hour! If God can keep the universe in motion, surely you can trust Him with your lives. God is a God of details. He knows every detail of your life.
It's your choice - belief in God or don't belief. To belief you have to trust. Trusting God is a choice you make hundreds upon hundreds of times throughout each day. Sometimes the decisions will be small, but other times, they will be life changing. It all comes down to whether or not you believe that God is trustworthy.
When you take your eyes off of Jesus, circumstances, diversity cause you to fear. Trusting Jesus requires risks and trusting in Jesus to help you.
When you take a step of faith, you will come in contact with diversity which will try to cause you to doubt and keep you from taking another step toward God. You will come face to face with the enemy, the devil. A preacher once said if you don't ever come face to face with the devil, you must be going the same direction he is. Don't be afraid to come face to face with the devil. If God is for you, who dares be against you. Romans 8:31.
The Bible makes it clear: It is your choice - life or death; blessings or curses. Will you do it God's way or your own way. We are all earthen vessels; and choices we make are vital part of whether we arrive safely at our destination, sink at sea, or end up lost in the vast ocean for eternity.
I want to share this story about a ship sailing through black water on a black night. The seaman on watch saw a light ahead. He reported to the Captain who immediately ordered the following message sent:
- Request that you alter your course 10 degrees south
- The reply - Request that you alter your course 10 degrees north
- Request you alter your course 10 degrees south. I am the Captain.
- Reply: request you alter your course 10 degrees north. I am a third class seaman.
- Request you alter your course 10 degrees south. I am a battleship.
- Reply: request you alter your course 10 degrees north. I am a lighthouse. It's up to you.
You have a choice to make; In times of darkness will you trust God? Your answer can change everything.
Remember God loves you and so do I!!! # The Ways of God by Cherie Hill
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