Friday, December 17, 2010

Big things Come in Small Packages

Psalm 115: 13 - "The Lord will bless everyone who honors him, the great and the small alike."

I was always small for my age and looked younger than I was. When I graduated from high school I was 5'. Now at 68 years I probably have shrunk some.

I always wished I could be tall, like a model and compete in beauty pageants. It just wasn't meant to be.

In the fall of 1966 we went to a family reunion on my husband's side of the family. It was very cold and we took the kids to the Oklahoma City Zoo. I was expecting our third child, Jon Michael. Back then Tent Coats were popular and of course I was wearing one. When I stepped up to the ticket window I was asked if I was 12 years old or not. I guess I looked like a kid to them.

My mom and dad always told me big things come in little packages. I believed that to mean I might be short, and look younger than I was, but still I could accomplished as much as a tall person. To hold my head high and reach for the stars.

In spite of size a small person can be what God created them to be. All of us, every person, regardless of importance, ability, or achievement can be filled with God's spirit and share all the beauty and flavor of Christ.

As we come into a deep relationship with Christ, we can be filled with all the fullness of God. Then we are equipped to show God to others.

It is the heart that matters. Not size. A heart that loves big!

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