“Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.””
John 20:29 NLT
What do you mean when you say you believe? You may mean you hope. It can be an expression of preferences or opinions or predictions. Example: would you die for your convictions about a brand of a car? Or would you easily change your conviction if a new car came along You liked better?
Many deeply held beliefs have the power to motivate us to action, sacrifice ‘and service. What are some of your most deeply held beliefs or convictions? How did you come to hold your convictions? (Your parents, or a particular writer or personal experience that touched you in a powerful, loving, beautiful, gratifying way)
Beliefs can shape you for good or bad: Ku Klux klan / Sisters of Charity. What you believe matters. The study of early Christians we find the creeds of the church. The most enduring creed is The Apostles Creed.
Belief is a decision of the will. I choose to believe certain things. The beliefs expressed in the Apostles’ Creed are foundational for Christians. I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
1. Is there a God?
2. How can you know?
3. What evidence is there that God exists?
4. Does it matter?
5. If there is a God, what is God like?
I can speak from personal experience, God does exist. Of course we all have at one time or another been in awe of God the Creator. God thought about everything. Watching Hummingbirds, or a mama and daddy birds encouraging their babies to fly. Fall and spring with its beautiful colors. What about the galaxies, so big and beautiful.
God is a supreme being, an ultimate reality that created the universe. God is not simply as a force of nature, but as an entity, a being, that is both intelligent and powerful. God is the creative force, the source from which everything that exists derives its existence and upon which all that exists is contingent. God has attributes of personhood: intelligence, emotional reason logic and will. God knows, feels, loves, thinks, wills, acts, and creates.
Jesus addresses God as Father: very personal, intimate and relational term. God is the force and power behind everything.
I believe in God! Why? Because my time spent in prayer, study, reading God’s Word, meditating on it, I have felt my Father’s presence. He has offered me comfort, assurance, guidance, and grace. I have learned to trust and surrender. I have witnessed His miracles.. I have learned to listen and heard Him speaking to me. I feel the Holy Spirit’s presence, nudging me, guiding me and leading me.
Is there a God? To all who doubt, I don’t have to prove there is a God, you have to prove He doesn’t exist.
Remember God loves you and so do I.