Tuesday, January 23, 2018



Proverbs 23:7 – As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
Life is pretty much what your attitude is!  10% of life is what happens to you and 90% is how you react to it. Attitude is a mental state relative to what we believe and affects our entire life. We express our attitude in our words and actions. Your attitude is easier to maintain than lose and regain.  We can’t control what happens but we can control how we react. We have a choice.  We can choose to react with a positive attitude or a negative one.  You can see the glass half full or have empty.  You have the ability to choose your own attitude.  You need to concentrate on beginning each day with a positive attitude.  All of us need to examine our attitude and make adjustments  You need to surround yourself with optimists. Positive people have a magnetic influence which attracts, helps, and supports you in achieving your goals. Once you begin to develop a positive attitude you will accelerate your future success.  Bottom line is your are in charge of your attitude.  Just like the Israelites in the wilderness, you can be critical and complain about everything that happens to you or you can look on the positive side with an attitude of faith that the God who parted the Red Sea just might still be at work in the world.

Attitude affects relationships.  Jesus told us to treat others like we want to be treated.  What you send out comes back to you.  Attitude works like a boomerang.  Your life should impact others, just like Jesus has impacted your life. People who have bad attitudes are usually unhappy. Your relationship with God will determine the type of life you live.  Satan wants to steal your joy but he can’t steal your joy unless you give it to him.  When you conform your thinking,  God’s way of thinking you will develop a new attitude.

Everyone experiences problems throughout their lives. Attitude changes problems.  Problems are part of living.  God trust you enough to allow problems in your life. He trust you to stay positive and grow spiritually.   When they are solved and leave you, you will be a better person.

Most people don’t realize that failure isn’t final.  Failure allows you try again and again until you get it right and succeed.  Failure is a choice, who can choose to be a quitter or choose to succeed.

Your attitude should be like the mind of Jesus.  God’s wants to use the attitude of believers to bring people to Christ, see things from God’s perspective strive to be positive about your progress.  You have to take the initiative to change any negativity in your attitude.  You need to base your attitude on God’s Word, not on your circumstances. Words can hurt and words can heal.  Consider the words you say, be more selective about them before you speak.  Be kind to one another.  Have the same humble attitude Jesus had.  Have an attitude of gratitude. Know who you are in Christ Jesus

There are five reasons why attitude Is important:
1. Your attitude determines your approach to life.
2. Your attitude determines your relationship with people
3. Your attitude is the only difference between success in failure.
4. Your attitude can give us an uncommonly positive perspective.
5. Your attitude is not automatically good just because you are a Christian.  You must make positive choices.
Now for the question: Is your attitude like the mind of Jesus?
Remember God loves you and so do I.