Thursday, June 29, 2017

What Does Church Mean?


It doesn't mean building.  Buildings are important tools but the church is really people!  
The Greek word for church is used over eighty times in the New Testament - ekesia (means called out) -  People called together, an assembly.  Church came to mean more than assembly, it referred to Christians.   The first time we see it in the gospels is in Matthew 16:18.  Jesus tells Peter, you are the rock and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.  Jesus makes it clear that the church is His ekesia -assembly.  A community of people who belong to Christ. 
Another word used in the New Testament is kuriakon which means -belonging to the Lord.  Church means specifically the assembly that belongs to Jesus.  People called out by Jesus, who belong to Jesus, who seeks a relationship with Him, who does His will and work in the world. 
Today churches struggle with the issue of who is in charge. Well, the church is the Lord's. The mission is to discern Christ's will above all else.  To be Christ centered.  1Peter 2:10 says, "once you weren't a people but now you are God's people".
We need community.  As God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - each member of the trinity in community with the others - we are also wired to be community with others. When we are in community we are healthier, happier, and live longer.  Without the church we can't grow spiritually into The people of God.  
There are so many people who are not involved in a church. Maybe they have been hurt by a church in the past.  Maybe they have been hurt several times.  It is important that churches are held accountable, that they grow, serve, care for others, pray and give structure to Christian life.  We are to accept responsibility to work for the good of each other and support one another. 
Gal. 6:2 "Carry each other's burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ".  Do you remember the story about the friends who lowered the paralytic down through the whole in the roof, determined that their friend could be healed.  This is an example of what is meant by church.  The church is God's answer to our  need for belonging, community, acceptance, support, and love.  Caring communities are made up of people who go the extra mile, give their time to serve, who go out of their way to bless others.  Sometimes churches forget what it means to be a church.  They want to stand by and criticize instead of rolling up their sleeves and model what it means to be the beloved community of Christ. 
Some people say they don't need church?  Really?  You don't need encouragement, the blessings of worship, Or Eucharist, or a message from scripture?  A congregation that is Christ Centered has a greater impact on the world as a group.   Maybe you don't need the church, but as a follower of Jesus the church needs you.  Needs you to be the encourager, to be supportive of others, to welcome people, make disciples of Christ.   The church was founded by God. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit. It is a community that belongs to God.   It is an essential part of being a Christian.  It is created by Jesus to fulfill His mission. 
Now, more than ever, we are a population that craves community of deep friendships, bound together by common values, with interest in affecting the world in a positive way. This is what Jesus intended the church to be.  We are to continue His mission to transform the world. 

Remember God loves you and so do I.