Friday, December 15, 2017

Christmas Memories

Thinking about Christmas brings many fond memories to my mind.  Our mother was a telephone operator and our dad was a mechanic.   We didn't have much money, but our parents made sure that we had a roof over our heads, and they always planted a garden which kept food on our table and for our neighbors. My brother Marc had many allergies.  He was allergic to evergreen trees.  When we were growing up there were NO artificial Christmas Trees.  Our awesome dad very carefully spray painted   Christmas trees green so Marc wouldn't get sick.  I can remember that one year the new fashion was coats with hoods.  All my friends had one.  I probably was around 10-11 years old.  I knew my parents couldn't afford one,  but I wanted one, no matter what and nothing else was on my list.  I selfishly dreaded Christmas Day because I knew I wouldn't get what I had asked for.  Marc woke up early and came to my room wanting me to wake mom & dad up.  He would have been 3-4 years old.  I took him to our parent's room.  He was so excited and I was being pouty.  Well when we went into the living room, there under the tree was the most beautiful coat with a hood.  Our mom had taken my dad's pin stripe suit and made me this beautiful coat, completely lined.  Our parents made so many sacrifices, showering us with love.  They may have not had much money, but they tried to be sure Marc and I had wonderful Christmases.  They taught us what real love is all about - Giving instead of receiving.  Through the years as I recall this special Christmas, I think about God my Father giving us His son Jesus on that cold night in Bethlehem.  If God loved us so much, and my parents could go to so much trouble showering Marc and I with love, then I need to do the same.  CHRISTMAS is LOVE!  Love we don't deserve, yet it is freely given.  That tiny little baby, the most wonderful gift given to all of us.  As you celebrate Jesus' Birthday,  give Him a gift - your HEART!  Remember God loves you and so do I.

Monday, December 4, 2017


Christmas 2017

Over the years when I felt something was spoiling my Christmas, The Holy Spirit reminded me that no one or anything could spoil Christmas.  Christmas happened centuries ago.  When My Father gave the greatest gift  of all time, His Son.  Some have tried.  There are humbugs, those you are offended by people who go around wishing others a Merry Christmas.   For me Christmas is celebrating Jesus’ birthday.  Trying to love as He loved, not hesitating to wish all A Merry Christmas, sharing, caring and spreading Jesus’ love to all I meet.  

I especially enjoy Christmas music: I read a Devotional that talked about the Christmas Carol Silent Night.  Having just experienced being in the birthing room of our granddaughter when our eight great grand baby was born, I was able to relate to this Devotional.  Anyone who has experienced the miracle of a baby being born, knows it may be noisy.  A baby being born is beautiful, but far from quiet.  Now close your eyes and imagine you are witnessing baby Jesus arriving in a stable, animals possibly offering their unintelligible commentary during the event.  A silent night, not likely.  The writer of this Devotional said, “No, ‘silent night’ means a night like any other.”  This birth happened on an ordinary night, to an ordinary family, in an ordinary town, in an ordinary stable.  But there isn’t anything ordinary about this night or this baby boy.  Yes Isaiah had predicted a Messiah was coming, that He would be born like any other baby. Have you ever thought about the Son of God, being so tiny He was placed in a manager.  How could something so extraordinary: power, love, purity, be carried in this tiny baby?  How could  the Sovereign be seen so simple and helpless?  This tiny baby was history’s greatest hero!  He seemed so fragile yet, he would bear the sins of the world and establish his kingdom around the world.  His life was marked with wisdom, power, majesty, and glory.  Silent Night is a lullaby about peace. It pictures the baby Jesus sleeping soundly the evening he was born. As it progresses it is about the peace he brings, to those near by and those far away.  He brought a stillness to our relationship with God and each other.  Jesus sang our souls to sleep in the rest of our peace with God. When we wake up each morning we meet the dawn of redeeming grace and never-ending mercies.

I also like Christmas lights and decorations. It reminds me of Jesus’ humble birth, why he came and walked among us.  That He is light and His birth brings Joy, and Peace. As I remember I wonder if I am humble enough, how I would have felt when the angels sang and told the shepherds about the baby in a manger.   Would I have been afraid, would I have been curious, would I go and see this baby in a manger.   I like to think I would feel great excitement  and would have gone to see this very special child.  

We are so fortunate,  we know the story, we know the outcome.  It never gets old.  I read the story over and over in the gospel: Matthew 1: 1 - 2: 23; Luke 1: 1 - 2: 40 and John 1: 1-14.  Also it is exciting to read Isaiah’s prophecies of the Messiah.    The four Gospels in the New Testament present four unique and yet complimentary pictures of Jesus -- and this is evident in the way they record the birth of Jesus: Matthew presents Jesus as the King of the Jews worthy of obedience and worship; Luke shows a humane Savior that brings good tidings and liberation to the poor, neglected and marginalized; Mark present Jesus as Lord that serves in secret and thus shows a new way, free from the fight for supremacy and status; and finally, John presents Jesus as God, who comes as the Word become flesh and this shines in the darkness to bring a new beginning in this world.

Now let’s talk about gifts.  When you celebrate birthdays and give gifts to the one who is having the birthday.  This  is exactly what you are doing at Christmas.  One of the main reasons we have the custom of giving and receiving presents at Christmas, is to remind us of the presents given to Jesus by the Wise Men: Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh. Frankincense was a perfume used in Jewish worship and, as a gift, it showed that people would worship Jesus.  We love because God first loved us. We give to each other because God gave us the best gift of all. Christmas is a season of sharing, giving, loving, and helping. Why is that? It is because at Christmas we take the time and make the effort to acknowledge our fellow man in the manner that we should all year long. This is particularly true as it relates to the poor, the hungry, the oppressed, the sick, the weak, and the disenfranchised.  We give to each other and especially to those who have less, because in doing so we are not only emulating God’s generosity, but we are giving to Jesus, the birthday boy.

Saturday, November 18, 2017



“I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭9:1‬ ‭NLT‬‬
“All of this is for your benefit. And as God’s grace reaches more and more people, there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:15‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Over the years I have joined many others on Face Book starting Nov 1 counting down the days to thanksgiving by sharing each day something I was grateful for.  This year I am simply blogging what I am grateful for.    I am going to start by telling who I am grateful for my Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  I belong to them and they belong to me.  I  am so grateful for my Father’s steadfast love, grace, and mercy.  That Jesus my Lord and Savior plans my day and the Holy Spirit walks with me 24/7 each day.  As I have learned to trust and surrender, the peace and comfort has touched me in a powerful way.

Next I am grateful for Ed, my better – half for 55 ½ years of marriage. No, our marriage hasn’t been a storybook romance like you see on TV or the movies, sometimes a roller coaster ride. But Jesus our Lord and Savior walking with us has taught us how to compromise, love each other more than self.  Each experience brings us closer each day.  Our Father knew we needed each other.  Ed is the love of my life and brings out the best in me.

This brings me to my next blessing, children: God blessed us with three beautiful children – Kari Jo, Ronald Marc, and Jon Michael.  They have given us so many memories through the years and still are.  We lost Ron to cancer June 25, 2003.  Do we miss him? Yes of course we do.  Do we want him back? No!  We know he is in a better place.  He is experiencing all of God’s glory. Our goal is to join him one  day.   Kari Jo married an amazing man Chad which has become our son, and Jon Michael married Lori, who is awesome and she has become our daughter.  Both families have blessed us with 11 grandchildren.  Now the grandchildren are growing up and 5 have began families of their own. We now have been blessed with 7 great grandchildren and number 8 is due any day.  I am grateful for my brother and his family as well as Ed’s two sisters, brother and their families.

I once bargained with the Lord to love every child He placed in my path as much as my own children, if he would but answer my prayer.  Even though I was spiritually in mature God answered yes.  I know now that I am not to try and bargain with my Father but I honor my part of the bargain and try my best to love all children God sends my way.  I am so grateful for this experience because I know my Father loves me, taught me to trust, and forgave me of my in maturity.

I am grateful for my church, faith community, Christian friends.  I am grateful that I live in a free country.  As troubled as it is with all the diversity, hate it still is better than anywhere else around the world.  I can openly confess I am a Christian and Pray.  I can share my faith openly.

I could write a book about our life’s journey and list all the blessings and little miracles Ed and I have experienced.  How God always shows up just at the right time.  We hope all people everywhere have a Thanksgiving full of wonderful blessings.  

Friday, October 13, 2017

The Good Shepherd

“The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:1-6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Most of us can recite Psalm 23.  It is read at funerals and brings a sense of hope in times darkness and loss.  But it also says a lot about life.  Verses 1-3 describe a personal intimate relationship.  The Lord’s guidance, His presence in our lives begins the moment we say yes to following Him.

So what does the journey of life look like in the company of the shepherd?
What comes to your mind when your hear I shall not want, lie down in green pastures, and led beside still waters?  Peace? Joy? Fulfillment? Our journey won’t always be easy, but the picture of quietness and peace shows us that God is us rest; restores our souls when we become weary.  He guides us to paths of righteous .  God doesn’t want you depressed or fearful or fussing and wringing your hands.  For His sake, He wants to guide on a straight path of righteousness.  He wants you to be who you were meant to be: a person at peace, a person of joy, a person filled with the Holy Spirit.

Now let’s talk about verse 4.  We all will go through dark valleys. We will experience gloom, fear, and distress in our life. You may feel as tough life is over, it is finished.  When you are in this dark place, it is not your final destination.  Our Shepherd is guiding you through it.

What is the answer to getting past the dark valley?
You do not have to fear, God is with you. All the things that keep pulling you down, give to the Good Shepherd who is there with His rod and staff to comfort you.  When the road becomes frightening, He uses the rod and staff to keep you going through it.

Satan and his demons plant ideals of gloom, fear, and that God doesn’t care.  God is light on our path, He guides you to His table in the presence the enemy.  He is throwing a party, laughing at Satan, you are no longer kept in darkness by Satan’s lies.

Now for the beautiful promise: goodness and love will follow you all your life, you will dwell in God’s house forever when your journey ends, Jesus the Good Shepherd has won victory over Satan.
Yes this Psalm comforts those who are grieving but importantly it describes what it is like to follow the Good Shepherd through the journey of life!
Remember God loves you and so

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Preaching Good News In a Time When Violence and Racism Divide Us

Today Dr.Tony Campolo delivered the sermon at WMUMC.  The sermon title was - Preaching good news in a time when violence and racism divide us.  

“Before the coming of this faith, we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”
Galatians 3:23-29 NIV

It was an awesome message.  I am going to try and share some of the main points of this sermon.   Dr. Tony Campolo said. Some say preach Jesus and he said which Jesus?  Does that sound strange to you?  Well in 2 Cor. 11 is about Paul and the False Apostles.   Jesus is biblical.  Read all the red letters in the Bible. Jesus is speaking to us.  This is the real Jesus.  Now for the question - Is Christ in you?  Do you feel Him?  
I am sure you have heard the word karma.  In Hinduism and Buddhism action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad. Sin in  this world and you pay for it in the next.  Jesus offers grace, we get what we don’t deserve, forgiveness!  Disciples do what God asks them to do.  
Ephesians 2: 14-17. We are told Christ brought peace to us.  He united us Jews and Gentiles into one people.  His death on the cross broke down the wall of hostility that separated us. We are one body brought together by Jesus’ death and our hostility toward each other was put to death. “
If Christ is in you, You feel as Jesus feels.   If you drew a line, and You stood on one side and all those who are different from you were on the other side, where would Jesus be.  Hate to disappoint you but Dr. Campolo says Jesus will be on their side. . Jesus came to save the rejected.   No room for prejudice.  No more barriers.  In one of my passed blogs I told you we don’t get to choose who we love, we are to love all people. Even our enemies. The Bible is very clear, Matthew 25: 31-40 tells us we are to see to those who have needs, - verse 45 - I tell you the truth, when you refuse to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you are refusing to help me.  
I did a talk on Priesthood. We are all priest and we are suppose to share the gospel, the whole gospel.  
The song we sang at the end was - They Will Know We Are Christians by Out Love.  What I will remember today is this - I will love my Father with all my Heart, Soul, Mind and I will Love all others.  You probably are shaking your head and saying really, you are going to do that.  Well I have a helper, The Holy Spirit.  It would be impossible without her by my side.  

Remember God loves you and so do I.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

What Does Church Mean?


It doesn't mean building.  Buildings are important tools but the church is really people!  
The Greek word for church is used over eighty times in the New Testament - ekesia (means called out) -  People called together, an assembly.  Church came to mean more than assembly, it referred to Christians.   The first time we see it in the gospels is in Matthew 16:18.  Jesus tells Peter, you are the rock and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.  Jesus makes it clear that the church is His ekesia -assembly.  A community of people who belong to Christ. 
Another word used in the New Testament is kuriakon which means -belonging to the Lord.  Church means specifically the assembly that belongs to Jesus.  People called out by Jesus, who belong to Jesus, who seeks a relationship with Him, who does His will and work in the world. 
Today churches struggle with the issue of who is in charge. Well, the church is the Lord's. The mission is to discern Christ's will above all else.  To be Christ centered.  1Peter 2:10 says, "once you weren't a people but now you are God's people".
We need community.  As God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - each member of the trinity in community with the others - we are also wired to be community with others. When we are in community we are healthier, happier, and live longer.  Without the church we can't grow spiritually into The people of God.  
There are so many people who are not involved in a church. Maybe they have been hurt by a church in the past.  Maybe they have been hurt several times.  It is important that churches are held accountable, that they grow, serve, care for others, pray and give structure to Christian life.  We are to accept responsibility to work for the good of each other and support one another. 
Gal. 6:2 "Carry each other's burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ".  Do you remember the story about the friends who lowered the paralytic down through the whole in the roof, determined that their friend could be healed.  This is an example of what is meant by church.  The church is God's answer to our  need for belonging, community, acceptance, support, and love.  Caring communities are made up of people who go the extra mile, give their time to serve, who go out of their way to bless others.  Sometimes churches forget what it means to be a church.  They want to stand by and criticize instead of rolling up their sleeves and model what it means to be the beloved community of Christ. 
Some people say they don't need church?  Really?  You don't need encouragement, the blessings of worship, Or Eucharist, or a message from scripture?  A congregation that is Christ Centered has a greater impact on the world as a group.   Maybe you don't need the church, but as a follower of Jesus the church needs you.  Needs you to be the encourager, to be supportive of others, to welcome people, make disciples of Christ.   The church was founded by God. It is the temple of the Holy Spirit. It is a community that belongs to God.   It is an essential part of being a Christian.  It is created by Jesus to fulfill His mission. 
Now, more than ever, we are a population that craves community of deep friendships, bound together by common values, with interest in affecting the world in a positive way. This is what Jesus intended the church to be.  We are to continue His mission to transform the world. 

Remember God loves you and so do I.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Jesus Last Words

Most Christians revere the four Gospel account of the words Jesus spoke while on the cross.  Mark and Matthew are very similar.  Luke and John seem to deviate some.  John was standing near the cross with Mary, directly below it.  John's account is on what Jesus said to him and Mary privately - turning responsibility of Mary, Jesus' mom, over to John; a plea of thirst, statement of completion. Matthew focuses on what Jesus said in a loud voice.  Luke hears what Matthew hears but must have been closer because he heard Jesus say, "Father unto your hands I commend my spirit.

Jesus spoke seven things while he was on the cross.  Each phrase recorded in the gospels give meaning to the Gospels claim of who Jesus is?

  1. "Here is your mother" - John 19: 27 - Jesus has given us an example to honor our parents in life and death. Jesus was the first born which made him legally responsible for her welfare.  Jesus entrust this care to John who takes this commission seriously.
  2. "Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing" - Luke 23: 34 - Wow! Most of us would be asking God to get us down and save us.  But Jesus was concerned about the souls of those responsible for crucifying him.  This is love.  Conditional love.
  3. "Today you will be with me in Paradise" - Luke 23: 43 - Here the key is faith, God's grace.  The thief's faith saved him.
  4. "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" - Matthew 27: 46; Mark 15; 34; Psalm 22:1 - Here Jesus is quoting Ps. 22:1 which signals the hope and triumph, the obvious meaning of Jesus cry.  This is a very real prayer reflecting the agony of the cup drunk to its dregs on the cross.  Isaiah 59: 2 - "But your iniquities have separated you from your God  . . . .  Jesus is forsaken because he who had no sin took our sins upon him.  (Atoning for our sins), so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
  5. "I am thirsty" - this fulfills scripture Ps. 69:21:  I thirst reminds us of Jesus' physical nature / His humanity, His willingness to fulfill the prophetic scripture, His deteremination to complete His task. 
  6. "Into your hands I commit my spirit" - Ps. 31;5.  This is part of an evening prayer used daily by devout Jews.  Jesus spoke in a loud voice, firm and confident, He spoke His Father with intimacy, He entrusted himself to His Father.  He speaks a word of surrender giving up His human life back to His Father.
  7. "It is finished" - Amazing : completion / fulfillment / finishing - all three mean the end; the debt has been paid; obedience fulfilled.  
What should we learn from this: We are to live lives of purpose, focus, obedience, be willing to suffer to achieve God's purpose.  We don't give up just because the going gets ruff.  When our time comes we want others to be able to say we fought the good fight, we finished the race and remained faithful. 2 Timothy 4:7.  

Friday, March 10, 2017

Joseph's Life

“Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream last night, and no one here can tell me what it means. But I have heard that when you hear about a dream you can interpret it.” “It is beyond my power to do this,” Joseph replied. “But God can tell you what it means and set you at ease.””  “Joseph responded, “Both of Pharaoh’s dreams mean the same thing. God is telling Pharaoh in advance what he is about to do.” “Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has revealed the meaning of the dreams to you, clearly no one else is as intelligent or wise as you are. You will be in charge of my court, and all my people will take orders from you. Only I, sitting on my throne, will have a rank higher than yours.””
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭41:15-16‬, 25, 39-40 NLT

God Will Use Your Struggle For Good

Joseph life was full of chaos: one broken promise; two betrayals; several burst of hatred; two abductions; more than one seduction; ten jealous brothers; one case of poor parenting; abuse; unjust imprisonment; 24 months of prison food.  Mix all of that together, let it sit for13 years and what do you get?  The grandest bounce back in the Bible!  Jacob’s forgotten boy became the second most powerful man in the world’s most powerful country.  God took the bad and made it into something good! Joseph’s path to the palace wasn’t quick or painless, but amazing.

Have you had pain in your past, betrayals, anger, or tragedies.  How about poor parenting, or wrongly accused or inappropriately touched.  Now for some questions – Is the God of Joseph still in control? YES!  Can he do for you what he did for Joseph? YES!  Can God use evil intended to harm you to actually help you become the person God intends you to be?  YES!
Remember God loves you and so do I.