Saturday, November 28, 2009

Peace Makers

Matthew 5: 9 - Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.

There is a difference between keeping the peace and making the peace. Some people keep the peace by brushing the issues under the carpet or placing it on the back burner; keeping quiet when they should speak out.

Some people make peace by being a reconciler, by building unity between individuals and groups. They help others see both sides of the issues, love them in spite of their differences and in the midst of conflict. True peacemaking is an act of love that works for reconciliation and for the good of each person.

Being a child of God, true peacemakers - we take on Christ's nature of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. We follow Christ when we reconcile and make peace.

Jesus was Human

Luke 1: 50 - God will show mercy forever and ever to those who worship and serve him.

Jesus was upon this earth for 33 years. He experienced all the things we experience: felt weak, weary, hungry, temptations, got cold, needed to bathe, and his feelings got hurt.

Some people are uncomfortable thinking of Jesus as human. It is easier to keep humanity out of incarnation. It is easier to pretend he didn't experience the things we do; like blowing our nose, sweating, bumping into things. Then we can keep him divine, distant, and predictable.

Let him be human. Let him in our troubled world. For only if we let him in can he pull us out.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Prison of Want - Unburdened

Luke 12:15 - "Life is not defined by what you have even when you have a lot.
Luke 18: 22 - Jesus said to the ruler; "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have...then come, follow me."

Today I read a devotional from Grace by the Moment; Volume II by Max Lucado and a devotional from the Upper Room. Each discussed these scriptures. Luke 18: 18-29 has always troubled me some. Today I truly had my eyes opened.

In the Upper Room - it explained that this scripture isn't just for the rich, but for all of us. The important message is to believe that God can and will meet our needs and show us the way to live with meaning and purpose. Jesus models deep and abiding trust in God and shows us the way of life. Jesus was pointing out that those who are not burdened by possessions find it easier to gain life and peace by following him.

Now to Max's devotional; If your happiness comes from something you deposit, drive, drink or digest then you are in the prison of want.

David in Psalm 23 shares a secret with us; the secret of satisfaction; "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." David is saying, "What I have in God is greater than what I don't have in life." Do you think we can learn to say the same?

Prayer: Lord, help us to trust that everything we seek can be found in serving you. Amen.