Thursday, December 31, 2009
Like Minds
In my devotional today it talked about twins, being of one mind. that they think alike and many times act alike even when they live far apart.
Right now Caden and Nehemiah our twin great grandsons are visiting us. Although they are babies they seem to be of the same mind.
As I reflect on the Christmas season, thinking about the birth of Jesus, I wonder how different our world might be if we bore a striking resemblance to Jesus. Paul tells us to align our minds, intellects, and priorities with the thoughts and actions of Christ. If we do then we can truly be Christ's vessel, to touch others.
Through us others can catch a glimpse of Christ. This means we would have to make sacrifices, be obedient and serve in order to be in Union with Christ.
Ask yourself - "What one, small thing can I do today to reflect Christ presence in my life?
Adundant LIfe
What does that mean, abundant life? Is it a nice home, car, good job, lots of friends, travel, everything we have always wanted.?
I think a heart filled with Jesus brings greater abundance. Nothing in this world can fill our lives completely as God can. Spending time with God brings comfort, wisdom, and guidance.
Romans 12:2 - Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God. God will give you courage, faith and strength when troubles come your way. Keep your faith and have abundant life.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
The Word With
We use the word WITH a lot through out our lives. Will you go with me:
- to the store
- to the show
- shopping
- to church
- to the doctor
God tells us he will: "I am with you always," Jesus said before he ascended into heaven, "to the very end of the age." (Matt. 28: 20)
God doesn't say I will be with you if you behave, if you believe, if you go to church. God promises, He will be with you. God is with us. God sent more than prophets, angels, miracles and messages. He sent himself, he sent his son.
The Word Became Flesh and Dwelt Among Us.
What do you do with a friend?
Friends are companions, a pal. Someone you, bowl with, go to the show, share your feelings with. A friend sticks by you through good times and bad times. As a child I would ask my dad; "What is a true Friend?" He always told me if he had just one shirt and his friend had none, he would tear it in half and share it with his friend.
John was the only disciple at the cross. His closest friend was in trouble and he came to help, to be supportive. Jesus ask John to take care of his mother. Of course John would, because he was Jesus' friend.
Greg Olsen wrote: A real friend is one who helps us think our best thoughts, do our noblest deeds, and be our finest selves.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Peace Makers
There is a difference between keeping the peace and making the peace. Some people keep the peace by brushing the issues under the carpet or placing it on the back burner; keeping quiet when they should speak out.
Some people make peace by being a reconciler, by building unity between individuals and groups. They help others see both sides of the issues, love them in spite of their differences and in the midst of conflict. True peacemaking is an act of love that works for reconciliation and for the good of each person.
Being a child of God, true peacemakers - we take on Christ's nature of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation. We follow Christ when we reconcile and make peace.
Jesus was Human
Jesus was upon this earth for 33 years. He experienced all the things we experience: felt weak, weary, hungry, temptations, got cold, needed to bathe, and his feelings got hurt.
Some people are uncomfortable thinking of Jesus as human. It is easier to keep humanity out of incarnation. It is easier to pretend he didn't experience the things we do; like blowing our nose, sweating, bumping into things. Then we can keep him divine, distant, and predictable.
Let him be human. Let him in our troubled world. For only if we let him in can he pull us out.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Prison of Want - Unburdened
Luke 18: 22 - Jesus said to the ruler; "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have...then come, follow me."
Today I read a devotional from Grace by the Moment; Volume II by Max Lucado and a devotional from the Upper Room. Each discussed these scriptures. Luke 18: 18-29 has always troubled me some. Today I truly had my eyes opened.
In the Upper Room - it explained that this scripture isn't just for the rich, but for all of us. The important message is to believe that God can and will meet our needs and show us the way to live with meaning and purpose. Jesus models deep and abiding trust in God and shows us the way of life. Jesus was pointing out that those who are not burdened by possessions find it easier to gain life and peace by following him.
Now to Max's devotional; If your happiness comes from something you deposit, drive, drink or digest then you are in the prison of want.
David in Psalm 23 shares a secret with us; the secret of satisfaction; "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." David is saying, "What I have in God is greater than what I don't have in life." Do you think we can learn to say the same?
Prayer: Lord, help us to trust that everything we seek can be found in serving you. Amen.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
What is John telling us? Jesus was touchable, approachable, reachable, he was ordinary.
If He were there today, would you recognize him. Probably not. I imagine he would dress like most everyone else. If you walked up to him and introduced yourself, he probably would say simply: "just call me Jesus."
Max Lucado says" "He was the kind of fellow you would invite to watch a football game. He would wrestle on the floor with you, doze on your sofa, cook steaks on your grill. He would laugh at your jokes and tell jokes of his own. and when you spoke he would listen to you as if he had all the time in eternity."
One thing is for sure, you would invite him back.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
How To Let Go
How to let go! When children become ill we pray and try to strike a bargain with the Lord. We try everything upon this kingdom to bring healing for our child. then we realize that there isn't anything here in our world to make that happen. Through prayer I came to realize that I needed to trust God with all parts of my life. that includes all my children, grand-kids, great grand-kids, everyone and everything in my life. My prayers changed to praying for God's will, not mine to be done and for the strength to go through it. To let go meant that our son would be healed when he finished his journey here and is now experiencing God's glory. My husband and I thank God for the time He allowed us to have our son. He gave us our son as a gift and we needed to freely give him back - to freely let him go.
Just Ask!
Through our lives we have many trials, and tribulations. Our anxiety builds and we think, we can't make it through the day. We wonder where help will come from. We wish we could find a hole to climb in to hide from our troubles.
Faith and prayer are powerful tools in times of struggle. Believe in God and have faith in His plans for you. God will give you a sense of peace and confidence about the future.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
God Your Guardian
Have you ever watched a mother bird taking care of her babies? We had a coat rack just outside the sliding glass door on our breeze way. Granddad had a baseball hat hanging there. A sparrow built a nest in the hat and laid five eggs. They all hatched.
One day I observed them as the mother bird encouraged them to fly and leave the nest. One by one she worked with them until they flew to safety and finally flew away. She stayed with each one encouraging and protecting them.
God does the same with us. He is always there encouraging us, staying with us through all the trials of each day. Everything will be okay because God is with us all day every day.
Monday, October 5, 2009
What Does It Matter?
Stephen P. West wrote a devotional for the Upper Room. It's title "Raccoons at the Table". He was camping and one night Raccoons came to visit. they tore into the trash bags. When he woke up there was trash everywhere.
When our son Jon lived in North Carolina his yard was next to a wooded area. Every night Raccoons paid him a visit. They scattered trash everywhere. He had to lock the lids of his trash cans to keep them out of the trash.
Stephen West had three thoughts:
- This is what raccoons do
- They really didn't hurt him
- Next time, he would tie his trash up higher
Have you ever thought of people being the raccoons in your life: going through your trash of weaknesses, scars, and unresolved pain; making a mess and causing problems for you.
Paul spoke about those who preached Christ for all the wrong reasons, trying to stir up trouble for him. Paul learned to let it go. He said, "What does it matter?"
When people rummage through our weaknesses, we have choices in how we respond. We can seek revenge, try to pay them back or remember what Jesus told His disciples; we can be "wise as serpents," and "harmless as doves". (Matt. 10:16) All of us, even troublemakers, are welcome at God's table. We can face troublemakers with confidence in Christ power.
Stephen West's thought for the day - Troublemakers are troubled people. Pray for them!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Just Me
It is human nature to seek the approval of others, to feel accepted and part of the group. but when that doesn't happen we withdraw, become shy, self-conscious and we loose our self-esteem.
When we read the Bible we discover God's way of measuring things. We don't have to seek approval. We belong to God. He accepts us just as we are. After all He created us. He knows our true worth. He gives our lives meaning and purpose. We need to rely on God for a sense of purpose and reassurance as we live each day. We witness best by being who God created us to be.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Therefore we need to pray for our enemies. In almost every country, people of different cultures use violence to express fear and hatred of each other.
Jesus commands us to love our enemies. We need to show our enemies the respect due all human beings. Imagine how the world would change if we all lived by Jesus command instead of treating it as a suggestion. No more bombs, or bullets fired, or stones thrown. If people could agree to disagree we could work through our differences.
Can this happen in our world today? YES! If we open our hearts and minds, and we pray that God will open the hearts and minds of the enemy. With open minds and hearts we can become the kind of people worthy of the name Christian.
God loves us and God loves our enemies.
Encourage One Another
Paul urged the Thessalonians to encourage, to help, and to be patient. this is also God's will for us today. When we make conscious choices to encourage others by speaking a positive comment, complimenting a job well done and having an understanding heart - God uses us to help them. Our words can inspire encourage, give hope, and build confidence.
By following the guidance of scripture as part of our daily routine we can make encouragement a lifestyle. Verses 16-18 tells us how: "Be joyful always pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances." then we can fully encourage others according to God's will.
Monday, September 14, 2009
While on the cruise ship we were at the rail whale watching. The lady next to me and I started visiting. she was from New York, NY. she told me in November she would be taking a trip to Egypt and was nervous about going. I told her that my brother had made the trip recently and was so excited to find Egypt is now over 30% Christian. She looked at me and said, I am a Jew.
Now I had two choices: Be ashamed or not ashamed. I silently prayed asking God to help me know what to say. I simply said, "You can be sure that at least 30% of the people truly believed in God". She smiled at me and we continued visiting.
I believe God gave me an opportunity to plant a seed of Christ in my conversation with this new friend.
God Knows You
On cattle farms, calves are separated from their moms to be inoculated. The cows mill around outside of an enclosure while the calves mill around inside the pen. How can they be sorted and matched with their moms. Through all the confusion they recognized each other through sound and by scent.
Now think about all the prayers lifted up in a single moment. So many people, so many cares, so many words to tell God. God hears each prayer, whether spoken, silent, eloquent, halting, desperate or ecstatic. God hears each prayer separately and knows each person's need.
God picks each of you out of the crowd. God knows every hair on your head, your voice, your scent. God rejoices over you and longs to be in a relationship with you. God knows you and walks with you.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A Mystery!
Some think it is a consequence of sin. Gal. 6: 7 "Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow." Some believe it is a test of faith, as the case of Job. The Bible tells us that at times suffering can be a learning experience and God is our teacher - Heb. 5: 8 and 12: 7-11.
Through life's experiences I have come to believe that it just part of living in this out of sync world. Instead of asking why maybe we should ask God what can we learn from these experiences. Through it all, we need to remember God's promise - Rom. 8: 35-39 . . . ."nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus".
With this assurance we can look to the future. After all this world is not our home. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Ps. 46: 1
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Rely On God
We think we can rely on our ability to reason. but when you feel overwhelmed by doubt and confusion remember there are things you just can't figure out. Faith is believing in something beyond our limited powers of reason. When you struggle with unbelief and doubt, rely on Jesus; unconditional love, grace and mercy.
Grace is not a puzzle to be solved but a gift to be embraced. Diane Chambers - Upper Room
Monday, August 17, 2009
Let God Restore
Dec. 28, 2001 began a chain reaction in my life. My father died. In June my mother was diagnosed with cancer and died July 6, 2002. Three weeks later my uncle, my mom's brother, died. In April 14,2003 our son, 39 years old, was admitted in a hospital for test. On April 17 we received a phone call that our great nephew, 22 year old, had been killed in a car wreck. On April 18 we found out our son had cancer. He died June 25, 2003. In 1 1/2 years. 5 people I care deeply for had gone to heaven before me.
Through it all I read, and recited Ps. 23. As Marie Schockey said when writing about the loss of her son; "To have gone through this trial and experienced the 'valley of the shadow of death' and come out on the other side unchanged - that would be the real tragedy."
God gives us choices. We can be bitter and withdraw from the Lord or we can choose to draw near him. Yes, we hurt, but we need to allow God to comfort us, teach us and use what we have learned to help others as they walk through the journey of grief.
People say we need to get our lives back to normal. Normal is only a state of mind. Earth is temporary but eternity is permanent. God spoke to me through the fictional book - "Wish You Well". He told me my purpose is to love all I can for as long as I can and be grateful for the time we had together.
Don't put off today thinking you will have the same opportunities tomorrow. Cherish each moment of each day. Tell others you love them and care about them.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Be Still
Do you believe God will meet our needs for each day? Do you believe he speaks to you? I do! One day when I was doing my devotionals, all three said the same thing,. Be Still they told me. Don't be so busy, slow down, be still, don't be preoccupied, listen and rest in God's arms. I knew He was speaking to me because I was feeling so over whelmed.
God speaks to us through things we read, through friends, a smile from a stranger, an encounter that helps us with individual needs and problems. We need to look around, be aware of God's presence - Holy Spirit - and we can see God's hand at work.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Be Still
Our lives are so busy. Always on the go. Constant rushing, talking on the phone, being on the computer, loosing our focus on what is important. Should our lives be like this, never a quiet moment.
Jesus knew it was important to withdraw from the crowds to gain strength for his task and peace for His soul. He knew that he needed time spent with God, listening and talking so He could continue the work He came to do. We are no different. We need quiet time with our heavenly Father listening for His direction, to rest in His arms, finding peace and stillness in our busy lives.
Ask God to help you come before him with a quiet heart, free of schedules and routines, to not be preoccupied and to keep your focus on Him so you can listen for His voice.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
God's Lifeline
On T.V. we see people being rescued everyday: burning buildings, flood waters, etc. Rescue workers throw lifetimes to victims in distress.
God does the same for each of us, offering us eternal life. Millions of people are lost, separated from a relationship with Christ Jesus. Believers have been rescued and have a responsibility to offer God's lifeline to those in danger who are lost in life's trials and tribulations. For them it is a matter of life or death. Pray that God will guide you to those who need the lifeline of Jesus saving love.
Friday, July 31, 2009
What is in a name?
Today's devotional was Titled What is in a name. After reading it my thoughts traveled back to my childhood. My grandfather, on my daddy's side of the family, was one of five brothers. Two of the five made many mistakes throughout their lives causing people to look down on the family name. A bad reputation!
I have one brother and in our childhood many looked down on us because of our last name. We lived in a very small town. Our mom and dad worked hard to bring honor to the family name, and our dad's goal was for each of us to work hard to change the image of our family name, by building character, bringing honor and not shame.
My brother has traveled the world and is highly respected by leaders around the world and in our own country. My life is much more quiet but I try hard to remember the world is watching me to see if my daily living brings honor to my heavenly Father. Now my name is Christian and I belong to the family of Christ. Both my brother and I are committed Christians.
Marc has truly fulfilled our Dad's goal of bringing honor to the Nuttle's name and he does glorify God.
Although I know I make many mistakes each and everyday, I want people to be drawn to Christ by the things I do right, by glorifing God and bringing honor to the name Christian.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Scripture is inspired by God
Have you ever watched a movie twice. When viewing the second time you see something you missed the first time. You think, Wow how did I miss that.
Every time we read scripture the same thing happens. Maybe you have read a passage several times, then all of a sudden you have a new found insight, you are enriched with new wisdom. God's word is full of riches to help us continually learn as long as we live.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
It's not whether you win or lose but how you play the game. Do we live our lives like that? Live honestly even telling the truth brings consequences, we would like to avoid?
On a spiritual level we have choices to make: Do we take part in the ministries of the church? Do we choose to forgive those who have done us wrong? Do we live according to the Bible?
Every choice we make brings opportunities to spread the love of Jesus.
No Substitues
I read a devotional about "No Substitute". Most dentist have all the newest gadgets and equipment to take care of our teeth. But there is no substitute for flossing. A simple daily task.
For Spiritual health there is no substitute for praying and reading scripture daily. Doing simple tasks prayerfully brings us closer to God
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sins - Forgiven
Col 2: 14 - "He canceled the record that contained the charges against us. He ....destroyed it by nailing it to Christ's cross."
Between the hand and the wood was a list. A long list of our mistakes, our lust, lies and greedy moments, and prodigal years. We can't read the list. the mistakes are covered. the sins hidden. Hidden at the top by Jesus hand. Down the list they are covered by His blood.
In the upper room Bryony Wood's devotional talked about a Thankometer. People wear pedometers to measure how many steps they take in a day. What if we wore a thank-o-meter to measure how much gratitude we express. It is important to be grateful no matter what our circumstances are.
Most of us have more blessings then we can count. But even if we were stripped of all our blessings we will always have God's grace and salvation for all eternity. that calls for giving thanks! How many blessings can your count today.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Only God "Gives the Growth
We may think our journey in faith is the best way to Christ. In the mountains of Colorado there is a canyon road. It begins as a single highway, then splits into two roads that appear to go in different directions. They encircle a mountain ending up at the same place in a state park. Each road is unique showing beautiful terrain and history.
We travel with other believers to a common destination. We are unique creations of God with our own stories and our own paths to walk. We all walk different roads, but Christ brings us all to God.
This was taken from a devotional in the Upper Room.
You Are A Letter Of Christ
No matter where you are, you are letters from Christ - to your families, friends, neighbors, the community you live in and to strangers. Letters of encouragement, and love. Letters of introduction about Christ for someone who doesn't know him. Letters of Christ to a world that desperately needs God's love.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Cross
The cross is the symbol of our faith / Christianity. What does the cross mean? The horizontal beam - reaches out - like God's love. The vertical beam reaches up - as does God's holiness. (width of God's love, height of God's holiness) The cross is the intersection where God forgave His children without lowering His standards.
Devotional from Grace for the moment - Max Lucado
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Early Christians were urged to:
- pray without ceasing (1Thess. 5:17)
- always be prayful (Rom. 12:12)
- pray at all times and on every occasion (Eph. 6: 18)
You may wonder how you can do this with your busy schedual. Does this change your definition of prayer. Think of prayers less as an activity for God and more as an awareness of God. Seek to live in uninterrupted awareness. Thank God for being with you every step of each day. He is with you at work, in class, while you shop for groceries, while you watch T.V., etc. God is by your side.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Be Available
When we lived in Columbus, Miss., the neighborhood we lived in was very quiet and safe. Everyone walked around the block, in the evenings, children played, and parents visited. Everyone was outside. We knew each other and cared about each other.
Today most people sit in their backyards surrounded by privacy fences. Rarely do neighbors see each other or visit in this fast pace frantic world. Out of sight, out of mind! We miss opportunites to be a friend to someone who has a need of friendship.
God is always available through His Son Jesus Christ, even in dangerous situations. Christ is always availbalbe to each of us, today and everyday, holding the door of fellowship open. He walks, talks, laughs and cries with us.
We are called to be visible, accessible, to others - in our neighborhoods, churches, schools and workplaces - We are called to be visible, out door, front porch people for all the world.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Spiritual Life
Waiting for God is an act of obedience. Waiting is about trust in the sovereignty of God. Waiting is a life lived with intergrity to fulfill those expectations. Waiting can bring strength and courage to move into action.
Wait for God (breathe in); be strong (breathe out); take courage (breathe in); wait for God (breathe out)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
What Should We Do With Jesus
Perhaps like Pilate you may wonder what should you do with Jesus. You have two choices:
- You can meet him. You can, as many have, decide that the idea of God's becoming a carpenter too bizarre and walk away.
- You can accept him. You can journey with him. You can listen for His voice amid the hundreds of voices and follow him.
God Loves You
You need to always remember God loves you. You may feel like family and friends have forsaken you. God loves you and wants you to rest in the knowledge of this love: this love concerns itself with your welfare and future. Go outside, close your eyes and turn your face to the sun. Feel the warmth on your face. This is God's embrace on you. God's affection for you is limitless. Nothing will ever stop God from loving you. With God's love you can face and do anything. How much does God love you: As high as the heavens and above the earth; so much that His Son hung on a cross with arms stretched wide enough to embrace you in his agony.
He loves you that much!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Don't Worry Be Happy
concentrating on life's challenges and pain. Life's problems always
try to crowd out other thoughts, causing feelings of grief, fear,
confusion and anxiety. The negative thoughts crowd out knowledge and
remembrance of a faithful God who is bigger than any problem the world
can send our way. God our heavenly Father cares about us. Like our
earthly parents, God desires us to ask for help. Pray about things
that worry you. God is big enough to handle the situation and knows
more about it than you do. Pray and rest in the knowledge that it
will ultimately be okay. God has the situation under control. Choose
to not worry. Choose to rest in God's faithfulness. Be at peace.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
your own understanding. We can't do anything about the future. We
don't know what is going to happen. We don't know how our prayers
will be answered. Maybe yes / Maybe no! Beth Delong said in her
devotional: "I can trust any decision to an all-powerful God who loves
me. When I am struggling to figure out every little detail, I can
choose instead to trust God."